10 definitions by vick

A bastardation of "oh Shit" but never saying that word
by vick March 20, 2003
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I drank too much tonight, I just yacked behind his shed
by vick March 6, 2005
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the most pimped out clothing line there is
yo i herd he just got hooked up with some akademiks
by vick May 19, 2004
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Nickname for the Atkin's diet, a diet based upon eating large amounts of meat and disgusting fat, but not being able to eat rice or bread. People who are on this diet are probably going to die of heart failure later in their lives.
Linda: I'm such a pig- I had a piece of bread yesterday. That's it no more carbs...let's go eat a pound of bacon now.
Jesse: Dude, Fatkin's sucks.
by vick February 11, 2005
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possessing "pimped-out" qualities. can also mean a girl who has been "pimped-out"
my new sweater vest was straight delsin!

that hoe has been around the block, she was delsined to my momma last week.
by vick March 17, 2005
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The most perfect creature to ever walk the earth. The voice that could make angels cross over to the dark side. Beautiful, soft, sensual, full lips that you would die for. You would die for HIM.
No words can describe the beauty that is ville valo.
by vick July 25, 2004
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The act of punching someone in the back of the neck,rendering them unconsience with one swift punch,usually in a club to one who A:is your Biyotch B:One who has grieved you
She owed me some money but never gave it to me so i pulled a club hit on that Byhatoch
by vick March 20, 2003
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