1 definition by verymuchcooldude_aka_tizdawg

Ah! A brug. The famous term.

What exactly is a brug? The age old question that has stumped many a human for centuries upon centuries of time unit. Well, guess what, buster? The day has arrived upon which man will finally pin down exactly what that age old word actually is indeedio my good sir(/madam(/posh word for a non-binary person)).

Yes, my good friend. A brug in actual fact is...

Basically just a water bottle filled with beer init.

Okay, so now that we hath learnedeth what a brug is we may now proceed to go about our daily lives as we had originally been doing but now with the added bonus of being able to know the official name for a bottle of water containing beer itself.

I bid you a-goodnight! Or rather a-good day if you are reading this in the day time. Okay, bye.
Hey Gareth, do ya fancy a swig o' ma brug? It's another name for a bottle of water that no longer contains water but now in fact contains beer.
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