28 definitions by vanilla g-lotto

1. Forget about it - the issue is not worth the time, energy, mental effort, or emotional resources.

2. Definitively "no."

3. The subject is unequivocally excellent; further thought and analysis are unnecessary.

Often heard spoken by Robert De Niro, characters on the Sopranos, and people trying to sound hip and tough like a goomba.

There are many spelling variations. The consensus online is that it should be phonetically either "fu-ge-da-boud-it" or "fu-ge-da-bout-it."
1. So they killed your brother's fiancee. Listen to me: fuhgeddaboudit.

2. You ask me once, I say fuggedaboudit, end of discussion.

3. Over there she got the best rigatoni in New Jersey. And the hot pastrami? Fuggedaboutit!
by vanilla g-lotto December 29, 2005
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Looking for the official spelling? Forget about it.

Consensus is definitely for "fuhgeddaboudit." But at least 53 different spellings can be found on the web. As of December 2004, here are the top ten...
spelling -- (google hits) -- (nytimes.com hits)

fuhgeddaboudit (82200) (20)
fuggedaboudit (6760) (14)
fuggedaboutit (6040) (4)
fuhgeddaboutit (5770) (35)
fuggetaboutit (3760) (0)
fuhgetaboutit (3430) (2)
fuhgedaboudit (2530) (8)
fahgetaboutit (2470) (0)
fugedaboudit (2240) (0)
fugetaboutit (2010) (0)
by vanilla g-lotto December 29, 2005
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(1) Demonstration (noun, adj) - used in engineering and business.
(2) Demonstrate (verb) - used in engineering and business.
(3) Demographic (noun) - The target demographic. Used by political types.
(4) Democratic (adj) - confusingly, also used by political types.
(5) Demolish (verb) - used by building contractors.
(1) Demonstration

They're doing the new product demo at 3:00 in the conference room.

It's not the real thing, it's only a demo.

It's just demo code. We'll rewrite it when we have a spec to work from.

(2) Demonstrate

They want us to demo the final release version on-site next week.

(3) Target demographic

Don't even try to robocall cell phones, the young'uns aren't in the demo.

(4) Democratic

City Demo Club

(5) Demolish

We're gonna demo this wall and put in a wet bar.
by vanilla g-lotto December 20, 2004
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An email, usually very short, sent for the purpose of testing whether the email system is working. The sender's purpose may be:
- to find out whether the sender's outgoing email is configured correctly
- to troubleshoot the end-to-end connection between a sender and recipient

If the sender is able to find his solution with no response from the recipient, the test email will usually contain a terse instruction like "ignore this email."

If the sender needs a response from the recipient in order to complete the test, then the test email will say something like "let me know if you got this."
subject: testing...

Did you get this?

subject: test 2

please ignore - just a test - M
by vanilla g-lotto December 20, 2004
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A metaphor for how a sales organizations churns through leads.

initial lead -> cold call -> qualified lead -> money deal

At each step, more potential customers get weeded out. Hence, the funnel.
There will be no sales to close if we never feed the funnel.
by vanilla g-lotto December 20, 2004
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Prunedale, California. So called because it's more rural than Salinas.
Dude, enough Denny's, let's catch the MST to Prunetucky for some real action. (sarcastic)
by vanilla g-lotto December 21, 2004
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If somebody is taking more than his fair share, or thinks he's all that, it's time "take him down a notch." Put him in his place.

To take someone down a notch, you don't have to insult him. You just beat him at his own game.
I took Mister Hotpants down a notch. His so-called girlfriend gave me her digits.
by vanilla g-lotto December 22, 2004
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