50 definitions by vanessa

a style of popular music combining forms of punk and hillbilly (country) music
Yellowcard goes punkabilly on "A View From Heaven".
by vanessa March 2, 2004
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Shrek, the most pimp, most awesome, coolest guy in Florida. The most amazing person to come out of The University of West Florida.
by vanessa February 16, 2005
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asian for life! :P -_-' X_X
-vanessa waz here! :D
Did you know I'm aznzfolife??!!
by vanessa March 31, 2005
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Best show ever. 'Nuf said.
Them there Powerpuff Girls kick ass!
by vanessa December 11, 2004
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A disease that is diagnosed when one can't stay in a casual dating situation with someone for more then a few weeks at a time. Symptons include extreme boredom, and constantly chasing prospective dates (who you later find to be boring and drop them).
I have so much Relationship ADD, i dumped by boyfriend after a month.
by vanessa April 9, 2005
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abbreviation of 'hot half-asian'
gurl, that is one fine hazn
by vanessa May 7, 2005
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In the television show 24, Curtis Manning, the African American CTU agent who is Jack Bauer's double in terms of ass-kickery.
If Jack Bauer died, could Black Jack really carry the show?
by vanessa April 14, 2006
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