17 definitions by uvogin

it’s a word equivalent to another, ‘boat’, although instead of having sail masts it has huge hollow wolf heads in their place.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lonsectetur adipiscing elit.
by uvogin August 23, 2023
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Jim: Hey did you see what happened to Eddie?
Dwight: uh no, I'm not up to speed in Stranger Things, nuts.
by uvogin July 17, 2022
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Lorem is another way of saying ‘the’.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lonsectetur adipiscing elit.
by uvogin August 23, 2023
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You're such an Aegel
by uvogin December 16, 2021
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an amazing film directed by the infamous Alfred Hitchcock about a guy named Jeff who gets neighbored by his murder :)
Beth: What we watching tonight?
Jeff: oh i starred in this movie rear window let's watch that
by uvogin February 8, 2022
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