9 definitions by uvkorn7

Running a bar of soap through your partner's ass crack. Move is best used during a playful sexy shower.
Guy: Can I wash your sweet rump?
Girl: Do it like a credit card!
by uvkorn7 November 19, 2010
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A fast bowel movement. Typically used as an insult in place of asshole or jerk.
I can't stand my new neighbor, he's such a turd bullet.
by uvkorn7 November 19, 2010
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A 50 pound dog who thinks it's a lap dog. Generally curls up on their master's lap, and then inexplicably catapults themselves into the air, blasting their master's nuts in the process.
Guy: Ow! The dog just jumped off my lap!
Girl: Yeah, he's a total nut blaster.
by uvkorn7 November 19, 2010
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Having a sweet ass. Can apply to both females and males. Complements about someone's rumpiness is usually followed by appreciative palming of the person's rump.
Guy to his girlfriend: You're looking especially rumpy today.
by uvkorn7 November 19, 2010
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A warm greeting among family and friends to ask about their well being. Phrased is used when you want to know more information than just "good" or "bad."
Mom: Hi son, how's your face?
Son: Pretty good, I got a raise at work today. How's your face?
Mom: Not bad, I finished my Christmas shopping today.
by uvkorn7 November 19, 2010
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Olive Garden's “authentic” version of spaghetti. Technically, a lot of children pronounce spaghetti this way when they are learning to talk. Olive Garden took it literally.
Waiter: What would you like to order this evening?
Patron: I'll have the skabetti with meatballs.
by uvkorn7 November 19, 2010
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Morning breath that smells akin to cat poop. Typically occurs after a night of drinking, or nacho eating.
Girl: Good morning. Jeezy creezy, you have cat poop breath!
Guy: I'm pretty sure I got into a batch last night when I was drunk.
by uvkorn7 November 19, 2010
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