5 definitions by turbodiesel

Originating in south Australia, it is a term used to describe what is internationally known as a douchebag. Loves to strut around, beating it's chest, makes an effort to display tattoos if it has them in order to intimidate, will get online and with the aid of dictionary.com try and dazzle you with it's pseudo literary brilliance. Just an all round, pain in the arse wanker.
Have a go at this dickhead, what a drewbower.

Check out this drewbower, all puffed up like a peacock.

Just because he has tatts doesn't make him tough, he's just another drewbower.
by turbodiesel March 23, 2010
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The state capital of Victoria, Australia Melbourne is a dark, dirty, mangy shithole.

Demographic; moisturising, manscaping, sandal wearing metrosexual pseudo fags.
A town where a broke as fuck 30 year old uni student wearing a skivvy with sandals is held in higher esteem than an accomplished and successful tradesman,
Spiritual home of the Bogan,
A stinking filthy river flowing through the guts of it,
The people from there claim to be well educated, cultured and globally aware but all they seem to do is bitch and moan about others, narcissism reigns supreme.
In a nutshell the only two good things about Melbourne are Carlton Draught and the Hume Hwy northbound.
"Glad to get the fuck away from that shithole, the whole town is 'the secret life of us' and full of cunts that look like that little queer bloke in the YOUI insurance adds".

"Dont walk around in Melbourne alone at night, you'll get glassed by bogans or robbed by a junkie".
by turbodiesel March 25, 2010
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The yabbling amongst two or more females, more noticeable when one is trying to watch the footy,
can also be used to replace words such as naggin, hounding
phone conversation; "sorry mate can't hear ya, there's a bunch of sheilas squarking next to me" or;

"come on hun stop ya squarking I'm trying to watch the footy".
by turbodiesel March 22, 2010
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"Look at this bogan piece of shit, I bet he's from Melbourne"
by turbodiesel March 25, 2010
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The discharge left on a girls undies from her front bum, usually goes hard and crusty like a cum stain.
"She left her undies under my bed, man she had some gusset happening"

"Stevo chews the gusset off his mum's undies"
by turbodiesel March 22, 2010
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