2 definitions by tributefrom13

The Infernal Devices. The prequel series to the best-selling book series, The Mortal Instruments (TMI) by Cassandra Clare.
"Have you read TMI?"
"No, but I have read TID."
by tributefrom13 September 18, 2012
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When your not in a relationship and your available, e.g. the dating game and your waiting to catch a 'fish'. If one has been unlucky in love you could say that he/she should maybe get better or more 'bait'. Created during a Go Fish game.
"Are you fishing?"
"I was, but I found Dana."

"So, how's it going with Dana?"
"We broke up."
"Oh, I guess you need better bate."
by tributefrom13 September 17, 2012
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