17 definitions by toothpaste salad

the most seriously kick-ass and vain man ever but in a very good way, we should all hope to be as vain as him, in the same funny way.

If you were not called Andreas you probably wanted to be.
Andreas is father to urban writer and he is a great guy, generally amazing.
by toothpaste salad January 22, 2009
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A whore who is quite disgusting to look at so will never get laid, despite trying to sell herself.
The majority of chav girls who are fat and have faces like turnips are sloffy tarts, shame no one would ever want to sleep with them.
by toothpaste salad April 22, 2009
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How the hell did lbd (which is pointless) get word of the day? It's P.A.N.T.S.
by toothpaste salad July 24, 2009
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