114 definitions by tomorrowtomorrow

A term connotating the tenet that all science fiction especially fiction in the farthest of futures (science fantasy (ultramodernism)) is actually retrofuturism.

The delineation that all fiction assumes a linear past (determinism).
Retrofiction argues that fiction structurally assumes a linear past or causality itself.

That is to say, fiction is structured collinear to determinism.

The term 'retrofiction' implies that fiction has attributes of a self-chimera or is self-chimerous. That is to say fiction is self-fiction or self-false.

Ie. All representation has a self-attribute: meta-value.

That meta-value is false.
by tomorrowtomorrow November 6, 2018
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The desire of a wife to seduce her father-in-law. This brings her into conflict not with the son but with her mother-in-law.

The basis of conflict BETWEEN women.
The inter-electra complex implies that feminism cannot claim to uproot patriarchy because patriarchy is the only artifact one woman has to differentiate herself from another woman.
by tomorrowtomorrow January 13, 2019
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The process by which life emerged from films of water trapped in between silicon rocks.
Lithogenesis is the materialist foundation (phenology) of naturalism.

It implies that while consciousness is not a computer the body is.
by tomorrowtomorrow January 15, 2019
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Solipsistic collapse of a medium such as television by reality television, radio by streaming, or the Internet by memes.

Successor to postmodern deconstructionism, modern absurdism (noir), and romantic gothicism.
Annihilism signifies the return of Kantian ethos to transcendence over Marxist materialism.
by tomorrowtomorrow August 24, 2018
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An analogy which contains itself.


An internal analogy is a meta-analogy or an analogy in which one of the elements is the analogy itself. A self-analogy self-delineates a recursion.
by tomorrowtomorrow December 22, 2018
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A phenomenon in which tribalization reveals itself to be a feature of democracy in contrast to an anomaly.

A phenomenon in which society runs out of structural institutions to scapegoat so people begin to scapegoat each other (democratic confederalism).

Often misnomered as "late capitalism" by the left.
In late democracy tribalization reveals itself to be a larger meta-state of which democracy is a subset in contrast to a semantic anomaly in the circle of democracy.

Democracy reveals itself to be a mass distributor of the scapegoating impulse which was previously chaperoned by organized religion.

Reaction to late democracy forms the basis of Slavic (Russian) idealism which propounds a STATE religion.
by tomorrowtomorrow December 23, 2018
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Nietzsche's allegory of humor.

A metaphor for satire as a segue to fascism (autocracy as self-satire or immune to satire).
Nietzsche originally stated, "If you stare long enough into the abyss, the abyss will stare back into you.

Rephrased: 'If you laugh at humor long enough, humor will begin to laugh at you.'
by tomorrowtomorrow January 3, 2019
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