22 definitions by tiky

When you need more words for your essay so you replace all the "I'm"s with this word.
I am a student who wishes school was never existent.
by tiky May 20, 2021
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1: The fancy way of saying bye
2: A company that has many companies under it's name
Tata, see you tomorrow!
I have a Tata TV.
by tiky May 20, 2021
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Walnut, Tahini, and Fudge Brownie
Person A: Whatya eatin'?
Person B: a WTF Brownie
Person A: WTF is that? Is that even real!?
Person B: The Walnut, Tahini, Fudge Brownie.
Person A: I gotta have some...
by tiky May 20, 2021
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A dance move with a funny name and funny gestures.
A dude: "Woah, that's a cool dance move! What's it called?"
Another dude: "Thanks, it's called "Fancy Feet""
The first dude again: "Let me try!"
by tiky May 20, 2021
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