5 definitions by thewhiterabbit13

Trigender is a gender identity. If someone is trigendered, they move between or among male, female, and third gender. Gender is not to be confused with sex. Sex, as they say, is between the legs. Gender is between the ears. Gender-neutral pronouns, such as one, ze, sie, hir, and ey may be preferred.
Riley's sex is female, but she is trigendered. Try to keep up.
by thewhiterabbit13 December 27, 2011
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The attraction to women or femininity. This is a sort of polite way of asking sexual orientation. If a man is gynephilic, he is heterosexual. If a woman is gynephilic, she is homosexual.
Harold: Damn, Lisa is so hot.
Don: Good luck with that, dude, she's gynephilic.
Harold: She's what?
by thewhiterabbit13 December 27, 2011
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Third gender is a gender identity. If someone is of the third gender, they are considered neither male nor female, whether by their will or by social consensus. Not to be mistaken for third sex. Sex and gender are not synonymous. Sex refers to whether they are biologically male or female. Gender is a state of mind. One can be born female, but live as a male. This has no influence on sexual orientation, nor vice versa. Typically, those of the third gender prefer to be referred to using gender-neutral pronouns, such as one, ze, sie, hir, or ey.
Evan was born a male, but hir is third gendered.
by thewhiterabbit13 December 27, 2011
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The attraction to men or masculinity. It's a polite, nonspecific way to ask what a certain person is attracted to. An androphilic man is homosexual, while an androphilic woman is heterosexual.
John: So, Jeff, are you... Androphilic?
Jeff: Haha, yes. Very much so.
John: Cool. Appearance of homophobia avoided.
by thewhiterabbit13 December 27, 2011
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Two-spirit is a gender identity. If someone is two-spirited, their body simultaneously houses both a masculine spirit and a feminine spirit. This idea originated with Native Americans, and can also mean that they fulfill both gender roles.
Charlie is two-spirited, it's so hard to keep up with!
by thewhiterabbit13 December 27, 2011
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