4 definitions by thelegendofsql

An insult used to label a male as effeminate. Those who use this term unironically are usually just wannabe alphas who want to prove how masculine they are at the expense of those who disagree with them.
"Alpha" Bro: Hitler was a good man
Male Person: I do not agree.
"Alpha" Bro: Shut up Soy Boy!!
by thelegendofsql October 23, 2018
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A man-child who throws a hissy fit when people don't agree with him or do things his way. Examples of such behaviour include: randomly calling heroes pedophiles on twitter, firing people who know crap tons better than his pea-brain, and lying about funding secured. Ironically only wants to screw girls who are half his own age.
Ay man, you heard what that Tesla CEO did today?
Nah, what did that bloody Elongated Musket do this time?
by thelegendofsql September 2, 2018
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A “miniature submarine” that is more like a giant dildo. A “generous” man named Elongated Musket sent one to the Tham Laung caves in Thailand to rescue the trapped football team, but it was a fucking giant dildo so the rescue team was like “nah fuck that shit” and told the musk to gtfo.
Ay man, you heard about Elongated Musket’s submarine?”
“You mean that fucking dildo sub?”
by thelegendofsql September 3, 2018
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Any person who disagrees with the "messiah", Elongated Musket.
Man: there's no way that dildo sub would have ever worked
Musk: come fight me pedo
by thelegendofsql September 1, 2018
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