8 definitions by theDefiner

a condition caused by females working out at gym or weight room until a legitimate amount of muscle swelling has occured. Derived from the male term "swole" used by douchey, gym-going types.
Omg girl, I went to the gym last night and got so lady swole!
by theDefiner June 20, 2012
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n. The crowd or group that is considered less than cool. Not neccessarily a relation to actual homosexuals, though it can certainly be so.
Ant. - Party Boat
"I can't believe I got stuck in the homo boat."
by theDefiner December 4, 2004
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n.- a raucous event in a mini-van. This usually consists of loud music, people being generally rowdy, and the driver trying to keep the vehicle on the road.

v.- to party in a mini van.
"Dude, get in. Van Party!"
by theDefiner December 4, 2004
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n.- the hip or in crowd; being involved in said crowd or group. Opposite of the homo boat. Usually used in comparison with the homo boat.
"DUDE! Don't you wish you were in the party boat?"
by theDefiner December 4, 2004
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The ability to notice and disregard other people's bullshit
"I was listening to the conversation, but when my bullshit filter kicked in, I heard only every other word.
by theDefiner December 3, 2004
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n.- a person who conciously tries to irritate others; one who finds humor in annoying other people.
"I understand your mother never gave you attention as a child, Billy, but you're being a real ass-jerk.
by theDefiner December 3, 2004
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