52 definitions by the sub

1) A sheet usually made of a clear material, such as glass, that is used to allow sight and occasional air flow, while otherwise retaining the characteristics of a wall.

2) When getting into a car, calling 'window' is required if there are more than four people. Usually, one person will call shotgun, then the next two will quickly call window. Calling the window behind the driver is also wise, as the driver is usually closer to the wheel than the passanger, thus, more leg room. The person who hesitates the most ends up bitch.
1) It was getting hot, so I opened up the window.

2) Shotgun was already called, so I quickly called window so I wouldn't get stuck sitting bitch.
by the sub March 20, 2005
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A dangerous impedement to getting pussy which can rear it's ugly head in many different forms and situations. To categorize a few...

1) The Third Wheel - A friend of the chick you are trying to get who doesn't want to leave her side, and will not until your target says otherwise.

2) The Lame Duck - When trying to get a slutty girl, a lame duck may be another individual who knows the sluts reputation, and is hanging around her, but is either bogged down in their efforts to spit game, or downright wasting her and your time by not getting any, but instead keeping the slut company.

3) Rich People - Sometimes at a party, those ridiculously rich white kids come down, and since most girls are attracted to money, they start hanging around them. Of course, most rich people who come down to urban parties are there for a bigger reason... to do oxycontin, cocaine, and other garbage and get our females hooked onto it. Definately one of the worst.

4) The Ex - If your potential mate has an Ex-Boyfriend somewhere in the premises, things can get ugly if he's the hothead type. Thankfully, I'm a Marine and could careless about a civilian, but for other people who aren't deadly weapons by law, just keep your eyes out, these morons can not only cock block your entire operation but can get the jump off blown up too.

5) Accidents - Sometimes even your closest buddy might let something stupid slip, like that time you had that threesome with your potential mate's sister. Or it might be a cock blocker letting it slip intentionally. Me and my clique follow a strong code of silence on matters like this, but when it comes to getting the finest bitches, trust can fall like a house of cards in a hurricane.

There are many more you might have the misfortunate of encountering. Just keep smooth casanova and you can sometimes blitz right past them and go straight for it. After that, all you need to worry about is not getting burned.
1) I wanted to talk to that girl alone, but her bitch friend kept hanging around us being a third wheel cock block.

2) That dude keeps trying to holler at that slut but isn't getting any, and I'm the one who called her to come here and give me brains in the first place.

3) I was hollering at this chick when these random white dudes from the sticks came. Next thing I knew, the chick was strung out on coke.

4) I was fingering this chick in the back, when her ex comes in and starts wiling out.

5) I was spitting mad game at this chick, when my drunk ass friend comes over and says "Isn't her sister the girl we gave the goggles too that night?"
by the sub January 10, 2005
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A car in the left lane which is going up to 5 MPH over the posted speed limit on the highway, and has probably started to rack up a car line. Often driven by the elderly, a person on a cell phone, or a soccer mom, floats will rarely switch to the other lane to let traffic pass.
I had a truck on my right and a float infront of me going 65. I was screwed.
by the sub February 25, 2005
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