49 definitions by the doctor

"let's go down the rub-a-dub for a pint of cold pig's ear."
by the doctor October 21, 2004
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n. The person who is a victim of a computer hacker.
v. The past tense of "hack" with regard to computers.
1. The hacked complained about what was done to his computer last night.

2. I didn't tell him, but I hacked his computer last night.
by the doctor November 24, 2004
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Literally, "your face" but used as if to say "your ugly face," usually as a non sequitur in answer to questions.
"Why did you want to talk to me?"

"Ya face!"
by the doctor November 11, 2004
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Abbreviation for an amateur "fan magazine." See also fanzine. Outside of sf fandom, "fan magazines" were magazines published in the 1930s and 1940s about the stars of movies.
I enjoyed reading your fmz.
by the doctor September 22, 2004
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A roll of fat on a woman that hangs low and protects the beaver from outside forces.
Hey, check out that girl; she's got a beaver barrier.
by the doctor March 29, 2003
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A Italian last name that orginiates from the meaning God-like or chosen one. The origin is not clearly stated but it is believed to mean eternal sex god or perfect in every way shape or form. Usually someone who bears the name is someone of great pride with endless riches of women, money, and power.
Girl 1- "Wow he should be a Lipparini!"

Girl 2- "I know he's so perfect and hot
by the doctor June 10, 2014
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Euphamism for people too hung up to say "fuck you."
"Four Q, you mutha," he said insultingly.
by the doctor March 2, 2005
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