4 definitions by the pokey pan

A game played by a group of friends who like drinking too much. An unlimited amount of players can take part but it is usually recommended that under 10 do. Every player has one metaphorical 'wildcard' which they can play at any time they like. They send out their wildcard by text whenever they like giving 2 hours notice with a time, a place, and a fancy dress. Every player has to stop what they're doing, cancel any committments and get to the destination for a night out. You can only use your wilcard once
'this is a wildcard. meet at 8pm, in the park, dressed as clowns with 8 cans of stella artois'
by the pokey pan July 11, 2008
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a beautiful nectar beverage, the colour of urine, that is the most tasty yet lethal cocktail one can drink. leads to incontenence, sleazing and bad banter
"i wet myself again last night, bloody filth.."
by the pokey pan July 11, 2008
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a prude who is opposed to discussion of wanking in casual conversation and who is against people wanking at social gatherings
"dont be a wank nazi, it's been a long day"
by the pokey pan June 24, 2008
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something that is so brilliant, so shameful, so ridiculous, that is actually rondiculous
last night was rondiculous!
by the pokey pan June 24, 2008
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