3 definitions by the define guy

The Alabama Whoopee is a sex position in which a whoopee cushion is inserted into the female's vagina. when the male on top sticks his dick in it makes squishy fart sounds resalting in the good ol Alabama whoopee
Chad: dud I just did the Alabama Whoopee on my girl last night and the sounds made my mom wake up.

Josh: damn bro that's crazy.
by the define guy January 15, 2021
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people who use this word are trying hard to be cool and trendy but are most likely 9 on tik tok

thinking that they are super cool.
person 1: oh I'm aesthetic

person 2: stfu
by the define guy September 14, 2020
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a annoying bitch who wears over sized t shirts and say sksksksks and i oop and were scrunchies on there wrist and try to save the turtles
girl 1: am going to use this plastic straw

vsco girl: save the FUCKING TURTLES use a metal straw
by the define guy October 29, 2019
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