3 definitions by thatguyonstage

When a man is to be quick and efficient in bed and usually results in grave dissappointment for the woman. To ejaculate prematurely from the eagerness to please.
When it came to our first time, Chris sure was goal oriented.
by thatguyonstage March 22, 2007
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A castrated man using a prosthetic piece to fill his void.
"Wow! Look at the size of that guy!"
"I'ts not real."
"No, he's a sex offender and was castrated. That is simply a sex toy stapped on making him a Eunuchorn."
by thatguyonstage March 22, 2007
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The cyber world where dorks can attempt to be cool.
Chris is a total loser, but everyone loves his myspace layout.
by thatguyonstage March 22, 2007
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