76 definitions by tenacious faulker

1) When something has been going exceeding well only to then run its inevitable course and either decline or fail altogether; a market correction.

2) a term adopted in business to describe an event that is currently faultering or failing or has the potential to do so.
1) I thought my job as a lawyer was recession-proof, but when Jesus returned, sent all the sinners to hell and left everyone remaining on Earth singing Kum By Ya, that bubble burst!

2) In 2007: My house was just appraised at 130% of what I bought it for and I don't think the market can support more than that for much longer. I'm going to sell it now before the bubble bursts next year.
by tenacious faulker August 20, 2009
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1) A meek or mild mannered man; a wuss, acting like you have no balls; no guts; no spine.
2) A poorly hung male remenicent of a Ken doll.
3) A male, overly attactive or primped, superficial, possibly straight, gay, bi or metrosexual. Also remenicent of a Ken Doll.
1) Clay is such a wuss that he never takes any risks or stands up for himself. What a Ken Doll.
Howard Stern admits he's hung like a Ken Doll
3) David Hasslehoff is an over the hill Ken Doll.
by tenacious faulker February 6, 2009
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When the quarterback of your fantasy football team throws a huge touchdown pass to your opponent's wide receiver.
(watching the game on TV)
C'mon, Manning! Throw us a touchdown this play! Dropping back!...throws!...yes, yes!, YES!!... NOOOO!!! Not to Reggie Wayne! Anyone but Wayne! Awwww, man! Touchdown! Dammit!!

Dude! WTF! We're winning!

Yeah, I know but my fanatasy team isn't and I needed that play to win. My opponent has Wayne and just got the same points.

Man! Talk about your gridirony!
by tenacious faulker June 22, 2010
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Maritime term used when the libido is willing, but your johnson goes limp due to recent or multiple orgasms, anxiety, guilt, etc.
Man! I finally got Cindy to go home with me and I got so nervous and worked up that I couldn't get it up!

Really? Was there something wrong with her? Were you tired or too drunk?

No! She was perfect! I was ready to go! I was full sail no wind. You think I still got a shot?

No. Unlike you, that ship has sailed.
by tenacious faulker March 2, 2012
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A white guy who is perfectly cool, collected, and comfortable in his whiteness so as to be attractive to woman, of all ethnicities, backgrounds and creeds.
Dexter just got to the club and like half da honies are are sprung for him. My boy's a real killa nilla!
by tenacious faulker May 16, 2009
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Word used to describe any one bad quality about a female, as in "but her...."
Lady Gaga has a butter face.

J-Lo has butter cookies.

Kelly Rippa has butter tits.

That girl Jesse has a butter adams apple!
by tenacious faulker May 1, 2009
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A contraction of "nookie" and "book smart". Having the natural ability to read women perfectly in order to get laid.
a) Charlie is too damn nook smart for his own good. He'll never be someone's Mr. Right, but somehow always manages to be Mr. Right Now.

b) Just like how being book smart doesn't help on the streets, it's important to note that being nook smart isn't helpful in long term relatipnships.
by tenacious faulker December 21, 2010
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