76 definitions by tenacious faulker

1) The trauma experienced by rabid fans when their favorite star cancels their Twitter account.

2) Any major, bad news announced and/or broadcast on someone's Twitter page. Usually by an attention grubbing/starved celebrity, pseudo celeb or friend of a celeb.

3) The pain felt by Elmer Fudd's relatives when an anvil blow to the head finally kills him.
1) Miley Cyrus fans felt profound twagedy when she cancelled her Twitter account.

2) Janet Jackson is such a tweetfreak she had to be the first in her family to tweet the twagedy of her brother's death moments after the family was notified.

3) It was shockingwy twagic to wose Ewmer to an anviw stwike after he had taken so many hits for so wong in stwide.
by tenacious faulker October 23, 2009
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A penis with cocaine sprinkled on it ala Charlie Sheen.
Charlie Sheen discovered the joys of the sheenis by accidentally spilling his vial of cocaine on his crotch while forcing a prostitute to go down on him.
by tenacious faulker September 20, 2011
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Illegally or unethically obstructing someone from achieving their goal either by physically or figuratively getting in their way.

Synonyms: cock blocking, torpedoing, sniping
Mike Tomlin, coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, stood too far over on the sidelines and prevented a player from the Baltimore Ravens from making a touchdown that would've put the game away thereby creating the act of Tomlining

One of my co-workers tomlined me by bad mouthing me to my boss just when I was about about to get promoted.

Kanye West tried to tomlin Taylor Swift at the Grammys.
by tenacious faulker December 1, 2013
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A term popularized in the 2008 comedy "Pineapple Express" to describe the best marajuana presumeably because of its dank odor and potency. The term can also be used to describe other things that are considered to be the best by an individual.
Dude, smell that weed. Ya like that? It's like smelling God's Vagina!

Do you like these satin sheets? Yeah? It's like being wrapped inside God's Vagina!

Hey, did you you like making love to God's Vagina? OMG, it's like FUCKING God's Vagina!
by tenacious faulker August 24, 2009
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An increasingly used phrase that one utters while paying half-attention to a conversation, agreeing, then realizing that they possibly agreed to or missed out on something important which they are otherwise unprepared to handle or agree to.
Tony: *playing Temple Run*

Danny: Tony, I've been hiding my feelings for you for so long because I wasn't sure you felt the same. I've been in the closet for so long that this is really difficult for me. So here it goes: I'm gay and I love you. Always have. And want to be be with you always. Please tell me you feel the same?

Tony: Yeah. Wait! What? * drops phone as realization sets in*
by tenacious faulker March 9, 2013
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In Tagalog, the main dialect in the Philippines, means dude or bro; a very close friend.

Pronounced: PAR'day.

For women it's marde. Similar pronunciation
Yo, parde! What's up?
by tenacious faulker July 19, 2009
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Due to the prolonged economic down-turn not even the traditionally "safe" demographic of white, middle aged, educated males has not remained safe from unemployment due to a dwindling middle-class. Once executive or professional, their employability now is as hopeless as a "beached whale's" survivability.

BMW, for short, it's an ironic turn of phrase. Also known as "Dead Suit Walking".
Look at that Beached White Male over there. He went from driving a BMW to being one!
by tenacious faulker April 27, 2011
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