76 definitions by tenacious faulker

A unit of measure based on the lifespan of modern humans of approximately 100 years and used to give perspective on how recent certain developments were achieved by mankind.
"This country was founded in 1776. People live to be 100. That was just THREE PEOPLE AGO. Yeah, the 'Fear Factor' guy just hit you with a math quiz! That JUST happened. REEEAAALLL recent! ~ Joe Rogan
by tenacious faulker December 8, 2019
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Baseball analogy. Used when someone is moving up; usually applied to someone being promoted at work, but can be applied in most scenarios.

Antomyns: demmoted, fired, cut, dissed.
Pete, it looks like your pitching has caught the attention of the Yankees. Congrats! You're being called up to the bigs!

Jeff was asked to take over for his old boss. He was called up yeasterday.

Remember that hot girl from the bar who was out of my league? She called me to go out this Friday! Fellas, I'm being called up to the majors!

That stash of pot we confiscated from you turned out to be distribution weight which is now a federal crime, not state. You've made the big time; Federal prosecutors are calling you up, son!
by tenacious faulker October 18, 2009
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The amount of time and money a guy spends on trying to hook up with a girl at a bar or night club.
Example 1:
Dude1: How'd it go last night?
Dude2: Terrible! I spent 3 hours and $45 of bar equity into some chick at the club only to have her fat cockblocker friend suddenly drag her away drunkenly shouting, "We gotta go now! Bye, Bye!"

Example 2:
Random bar ho: Hey Sexy! Wanna buy me a drink?
Guy: Uhhhh......
Wingman: (whispers) Wait, dude! You can't put any bar equity into a jersey girl. They can hold way too mch liqour and may drop you for some guido.
by tenacious faulker July 19, 2009
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1) (Noun) The pain a female experiences deep in her lower back around the colon when contractions around the 40th week of pregnancy start. The contraction pain is very near the anus giving the feeling of the onset of an impending putrid and painful deuce drop that ebbs and flows with each contraction.
2) (Noun) A person who is a real "pain in the anus".

Derrivative of "pain" and "anus".
1) My God!!! Is this a contraction or do I really have to shit?! Oh wait...its gone...I must be experiencing painus.
2) Linda keeps ridin' my ass and won't quit. She'a a persistent painus!
by tenacious faulker July 11, 2007
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The stupid, singing, rubber bass that you mount to your double-wide's porch next to your family's favorite pastime, the bug-zapper.

Jeb Bush: George, did the tax-payers foot the bill for that Bill Blass you have on?

George Bush: It's really called a Big Mouth Billy Bass, Jeb, and Cheney gave it to me last year.
Jeb Bush: I'm talking about your suit, you damn moron!

George Bush: Oh. Sorry. Can we just watch the bug-zapper on the West Lawn.
by tenacious faulker April 3, 2009
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A apologetic Youtube post expressing disappointment and/or disgust for indulging one's own guilty pleasure by visiting the "freak-show" side of the site despite having total internet anonymity.

Oh good. I'm on that weird part of youtube again
wowthatswonderful - 15 hours ago, 85 thumbs up

why why why why why why
DaleksinTopHats - 16 hours ago, 25 thumbs up

Biggest zit on planet, here we are again
AleWe - 1 hour ago, 5 thumbs up

I'm on that part of youtube again? How do I keep coming back here?!?!?!?!?!
TastesLikeChicken247 - 1 hour ago, 2 thumbs up
by tenacious faulker January 11, 2012
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A spanish word, supposedly meaning "large", bastardized by the Starbucks marketing machine to mean medium; their 16oz coffee.
I hate going into a Starbuck's for coffee. The dumbass baristas always treat me like an idiot because I confuse a "Tall, "Grande" and "Vente". Grande is spanish for large, right? "Short" is the only size that makes any sense and "Vente" is an Italian word! WTF is that?! Why can't they just call them small, medium, large and extra large anyway?
by tenacious faulker May 18, 2009
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