5 definitions by tHAT dUDE

Disney World is slang for Hand Job. Other Disney slang similar to this is Disneyland which means BJ please don’t confuse the two up they are different things.
Ron: Becky took me to Disney World after our date last night.

Ben: Well, Becky went full Disneyland on me in the bathroom earlier.
Ron: Ron, you’re a hoe.
by tHAT dUDE January 14, 2018
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Disneyland is slang for bj aka blow job not to be confused with Disney World witch is a hand job.
Ben: Dude Becky and I went to Disneyland in the bathroom earlier.
Ron: Ben you’re a hoe
by tHAT dUDE January 14, 2018
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HL TFC perfection. (Euro)

also see sexeh
omg, i am almost goste status!!1
by tHAT dUDE December 30, 2005
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V. The act of stopping a guy from getting in a girls pants. (2) A dick move used by only the lowest of guys, and these guys should never be a "wingman" at parties or clubs.
Example 1. Jack and Jill went to the party to do the hanky panky, but little Franky is Cock Blocking Jack, and now jack will be in jail cuz he's about to murder Fanky.
Example 2. What Seth did to James in the Interview.
by tHAT dUDE May 24, 2015
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