12 definitions by t pot

Pretending to leave for work in the morning, only to return home after your partner has left for their job, in order to have an extramarital affair.
I was pulling a Greenwich Constitutional when I heard the front door open. It was only the maid arriving late that day. I was terrified it was my wife about to walk in on me and the pool boy.

Tiffany and I had a nice Greenwich Constitutional situation going until her husband got indicted for insider trading and was sentenced to house arrest.
by t pot February 6, 2019
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Performing oral sex for so long that parts of your face go numb.
I was going down on Bill for what seemed like hours and I got a North Dakota root canal.
by t pot February 6, 2019
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Frequenting parks, commons or other public grounds at night for the explicit purpose of picking-up homosexual men in order to have sex with them.
The conservative MP from Dorset was found badger spotting in Clapham Common last week. I guess his wife wasn’t aware of his affinity for nature.
by t pot October 6, 2009
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When a dad (your or someone else's) makes an awkward comment on a picture shared through social media.
T: Greg's dad commented on Facebook "wish I was there" on the vacation photo of my wife in a bikini.
J: I saw, dude, he went all Daddy likes Instagram on your photo.
by t pot October 21, 2014
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When you drop your phone in the toilet and the automatic flush activates before you can remove it.
Emily watched helplessly as her iPhone got a smartphone swirly in the office bathroom.
by t pot September 18, 2012
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