13 definitions by shhu

means unnoticeable/on purpose seriousness ;which is bias, generalization and stereotyping of a ethnicity by acting like another ethnicity to be somehow excepting of the other ethnicity. when not really! And can be done in language slang to psychical actions.

Heridumm is short for heritage and being dumb of it ...
peron 1(blax/African American):hello person 2 how are you .

person2(white/Caucasian):yo,yo ,what up my homme girl .

person1(blacx/African American): what? im not ur homme girl so dont be so heridumm ,cus i do have a name.

person2(white/Caucasian){also starts to be herself again says} : sorry didnt mean it that way;ill call u as ur name,sorry.

I tried to make a new friend today but she was heridumm of me because iam blax/African American.

i wanted to make friends with this lady who i thought was nice but she heridumm me an started to do feminine mannerism as if iam a gay boy ;when iam a transsexual/transgendered woman.
by shhu August 28, 2009
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Kulcherblur is when someone adopts another culture for whatever reason without stereotypes/prejudice: this could be to learn about other cultures,to be of the other culture for whatever reason!

*{best meaning of kulcherblur} ~ is when u dont see a culture but u do become that of other cultures(more a way of looking at ,what people of different ethnics way of doing things) for ways to better to ur life and to learn from.
I traveled around the world and it made me a see culture as a kulcherblur.

As a student, became kulcherblured when i went to South Corea because learned more about asian history(culture)
by shhu August 27, 2009
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Means giving a half answer or giving a answer of something/somekind ;It basically means like saying whatever.

u pronounce it as (yeah-ever or yaever).
it can be shorten to yaever...

I think ur beautiful lisa and i think ur handsome bob so yahever to those people who dont see it that way.
by shhu December 16, 2009
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Its when a person that is in a marriage or relationship (boyfriend and girlfriend or same sex) has a intimate relationship with someone other than their spouse/lover that they r in a relationship with and the other partner or spouse knows of it but does not mind/care.

its not a threesome because it is seperate from the serious or not so serious relationship that the person is in .its not cheating because the other person knows about it and does not care.

some ringuls will say they are single to be in a relationship with someone who probably wont date them if they were not single;so they lie and say they are .
i'am ringul(pronounced ringle) ka-el so my husband does not mine if iam romantically involved with you.
by shhu August 24, 2009
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Someone attractive or appealing to ones eye; Its like saying hot but ur saying icyy.
That girl was icyy in that short skirt.
by shhu December 16, 2009
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a comedic/serious person who hides/coys behind free speech laws to display ambiguous fallacy(unapologetic) ;negative or positive of a person ,place,or thing,
{In short: a person who coys behinds free speech laws of fallacy unapologetically }

The comedian used derogatory terms towards transwomen/transmen in his/her show & acted like a freecois(freecoisly) after the fact.Without any remorse.
by shhu August 26, 2009
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