2 definitions by saywhaat?

A project given to students in ninth grade in which they have to present a debate on a controversial topic. Widly reguarded as unneccesarily stressfull and a waste of time by students and teachers alike. However it still persists as a requirement for half a graduation credit.
Student One: So what are you guys doing this weekend?
Student Two: Ugh, I have to go over Jimmy's house to work on 9A... again.
Student One: Sucks
by saywhaat? February 13, 2010
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What The Fudge Muffin???
used as an inside joke between friends or by those who don't wish to offend those around them. A substitute for WTF??
Person one: I just found a pencil I lost 6 months ago! YAY!!!
Person two: WTFM??
by saywhaat? February 18, 2010
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