2 definitions by rubensinclair
by rubensinclair April 30, 2003
a. a spoiled rich white kid who smokes pot.
b. a person who, in an act of rebellion has taken to smoking pot, pan-handling, and following grateful dead rip-off bands during the week, and then returning to his or her parent's cozy home in the suburbs during the weekend.
c. one who lives with poorer people in an attempt to gain credibility, or street-cred, while disguising the trust fund they actually live off
b. a person who, in an act of rebellion has taken to smoking pot, pan-handling, and following grateful dead rip-off bands during the week, and then returning to his or her parent's cozy home in the suburbs during the weekend.
c. one who lives with poorer people in an attempt to gain credibility, or street-cred, while disguising the trust fund they actually live off
by rubensinclair April 30, 2003