27 definitions by roxy

Spaz features

Basically - you have spaz featres...and insult
by roxy September 30, 2003
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well seeing as my first definition didn't make sense. A rebelo is a person who is more rebel than rules, but will follow the rules where otherwise it would be very foolish not to. They are individual, people with their own style.
Girl:I know my boundaries, I'm a rebelo.
by roxy February 2, 2005
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More rebel than rules, but rebel enough to be a rebel. This person will follow rules as it would be stupid not to. Usually rebelo's are very individual and dont follow the crowd(most of the time).
Guy1:Wow, that girl's amazing,she's so individual.
Guy2:Yeah, she's a rebelo
Guy1:Wicked, at least she knows her boundaries
by roxy February 1, 2005
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someone who doesn't eat meat
you are a friggin vegetation
by roxy September 23, 2004
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A dumb person,a person that has ignorance and no reality of life.
a shmo thinks life is revoled around
A man named sam thought it would be funny to make fun of a over wieght girl named sally,so he did, and made her cry a few times,he was the guy that gave her low selfrespect,lack of confidence and eventually pushed her to take her own life.>suicide<
by roxy November 5, 2003
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fall out boy

A totally insane kick ass band. They don't get much better then FOB.
"Dude! i just got tickets to a FALL OUT BOY concert!! woooooaaah!"
by roxy May 29, 2004
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Somebody who does crack regulary and gets addicted. Thus becoming a crackhead.
Mr. Angell is SUCH a crackhead!
by roxy January 11, 2005
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