27 definitions by roxy
by roxy September 30, 2003
well seeing as my first definition didn't make sense. A rebelo is a person who is more rebel than rules, but will follow the rules where otherwise it would be very foolish not to. They are individual, people with their own style.
by roxy February 2, 2005
More rebel than rules, but rebel enough to be a rebel. This person will follow rules as it would be stupid not to. Usually rebelo's are very individual and dont follow the crowd(most of the time).
Guy1:Wow, that girl's amazing,she's so individual.
Guy2:Yeah, she's a rebelo
Guy1:Wicked, at least she knows her boundaries
Guy2:Yeah, she's a rebelo
Guy1:Wicked, at least she knows her boundaries
by roxy February 1, 2005
A dumb person,a person that has ignorance and no reality of life.
a shmo thinks life is revoled around
a shmo thinks life is revoled around
A man named sam thought it would be funny to make fun of a over wieght girl named sally,so he did, and made her cry a few times,he was the guy that gave her low selfrespect,lack of confidence and eventually pushed her to take her own life.>suicide<
by roxy November 5, 2003
by roxy May 29, 2004