5 definitions by robertoblanco

Paul: I took Sam's s card. She squirted all over Mike's bed.
Rob: Did it smell?
Paul: Yes
by robertoblanco June 26, 2011
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Dude the sheets were so messy after I took that girls s card.
by robertoblanco June 25, 2011
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Giving a girl her first orgasm.
She said that never has happened to her before. Definitely scored an o card last night!
by robertoblanco June 25, 2011
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Similar to friends with benefits, a family with benefits is a group of friends that are close enough to be called a family and have a relationship characterized by random hookups between many/all of the members. The relationship is fucked up, but it works... somehow.
"Did you hear Mary slept with Paul and Rob last weekend?"

"Damn, that girl is definitely bringing this family with benefits closer together!"
by robertoblanco August 19, 2011
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Like a cheap date, it is a girl that has a low alcohol tolerance. There for getting her drunk and raping her is cheaper.
That bitch was black out after 5 shots. What a cheap rape!!
by robertoblanco June 26, 2011
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