20 definitions by rich lawson

shortened version of 'what a' (Origins in the north of England
Worra loada rubbish that is
by rich lawson May 27, 2005
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Really good, excellent. Used by DJs and dance music fans to describe a track.
Dave Pearce has some large tunes in his bag that evening
by rich lawson May 27, 2005
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Five pounds sterling note. From cockney rhyming slang Lady Godiva = fiver
The astute better would bet a lady on Brazil to win the World Cup next season.
by rich lawson May 23, 2005
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Get on the dog to the betting shop, theres a horse i want to put a fiver on.
by rich lawson May 23, 2005
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The name you must call your mums boyfriend when you are little.
Uncle Les is the best uncle I've ever had!
by rich lawson May 27, 2005
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