1 definition by ria kim

Brigham Young University: an institution located in Provo, Utah. Endorsed by the LDS church, it is a private university that educates approximately 30,000 students annually.
A sub-Mormon culture predominates, especially in dorm establishments like "Heritage Halls," "Deseret Towers" (D.T.) and "Helaman Halls." Common activities include creative dating techniques, hall prayers, ward activities, and tunneling.
Strict enforcement of the BYU Honor Code includes monitering modest clothing, chaste lifestyles, and honesty. Devotionals are broadcast every week at Tuesday, for which all campus facilities are shut down. Dorms and activities have a general curfew of midnight. A general university publication called "The Daily Universe" is released daily. Common campus buildings include the Wilkinson Student Center (the WILK), the Martin L Harris Classroom Building (the MARB), and the Joseph Smith Building (JSB).
The curriculum is large and academically exceptional, but also includes such majors as "family consumer sciences." A BYU education is very typically conservative.
The stereotypical BYU girl has a bubble haircut, wears a plain, modest t-shirt or button up collared shirt with either a long skirt or jeans, and wears Doc Martens sandals. She has very straight hair and perfect makeup, and smiles sweetly to everyone. She enters the establishment at the age of 18, is engaged by 19 to a returned missionary (R.M.), and generally leaves school to raise a family.
The stereotypical BYU boy is a freshman at the age of 21, having just returned from a mission, and has a short, parted hairstyle. He wears polos and chino pants with loafers. He dates prolifically until he finds his eternal companion, and weds quickly (typical engagements lasting 2 months).
Provo, Utah is also referred to as the "bubble" because of its traditionally close-minded, conservative atmosphere and general self-righteous attitude.
BYU's largest rival is the University of Utah located in Salt Lake City, Utah. The two universities have a football match each fall that is highly anticipated on both sides.
BYU students are called Zoobies because they get married so quickly.

"Are you going to the dance?"
"Yes, but we have to be back soon! The curfew is at 12, and we wouldn't want to break the honor code."

"Will you marry me? After all, we have been commanded to multiply and replenish the earth."
"I think you'll make a great eternal companion, but let me consult my bishop first."
by ria kim July 22, 2005
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