9 definitions by redgrave1093

A propaganda film geared towards angering vegan retards by showcasing how the meat industry works and why no amount of activism will ever change anything about it. A favorite film of the flat assed whore Tash Peterson; who often tries to use the film to further her pathetic cause and incite outrage against anyone who chooses to eat animals, it is nothing more than a propaganda film and anyone who falls for its message and allows themselves to be manipulated by it clearly has no self respect
Friend: Have you seen that Dominion movie? It's pretty eye opening
Me: Yeah, I saw it. It was almost as funny as The Cove
by redgrave1093 June 13, 2021
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A talentless pretty boy who got famous because brainless teenage girls like his face. Star of the Sundance film Jawline and the reason why social media continues it's downward spiral and lack of faith in humanity is stronger than ever
Girl: OMG, have you seen Austyn Tester's latest broadcast?
Me. No. I have a life and have better things to do than obsess over some teenage hack
by redgrave1093 October 27, 2019
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Something a woman does while you're fucking her
Her: Hey, honey. Feel like making love?
Him: Naahhh, let's fuck
by redgrave1093 October 26, 2019
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A term used by religionists and flat earthers when logical people prove them wrong by using reason
Example 1. Logical person: There is no god
Religious person: That's blasphemy!
Example 2. Logical person: NASA isn't a hoax
Flat earther: Blasphemy!
by redgrave1093 October 27, 2019
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A term used by right wingers and leftists to entail they "know" what goes on behind closed government doors. The woke movement itself is founded out of paranoia; mostly conspiracy nuts who have forsaken reality in favor of fighting against nonexistent issues to give them a sense of validity. With the right wing "woke" movement, the paranoia is aimed towards mostly government and scientific establishments (these guys call themselves "anti-establishment"). Among them are also flat earthers, die hard bible thumpers, and gun nuts. With these people literally EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. With the left wing woke movement, everyone is a racist if they don't agree with them. Woke leftists are mostly SJWs and feminazis who virtue signal and rely on tokenism to come across as accepting, and use false statistics to validate their outlandish paranoia. With woke leftists, the pretention is that "the powers that be" are pushing Helter Skelter in an attempt to "keep the races divided", thus giving them reason to whine and moan about racism in Hollywood, and other places where, in fact, none exists. Those who call themselves "woke" in reality are nothing more than pretentious cunts who fight nonexistent battles in their heads to make themselves feel good while being completely ignorant to the fact that paranoia and rebellion are two completely different things, and the two are not interchangeable. Get woke, go broke
Them: Dude, Brie Larson is so woke. I wish I was like her
Me: Oh, you want to be a whiny cunt, ehh?
by redgrave1093 March 7, 2019
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The most annoying mick on YouTube
Parent of a Jacksepticeye fan: Of all the things on YouTube, why did my kid have to be addicted to that annoying asshat Jacksepticeye?
by redgrave1093 October 27, 2019
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A religion so insipidly retarded that a 5 year old could drink a can of alphabet soup and shit out a more believable story than the bible
If it's 2021 and you still want a government based on Christianity, you're a fucking idiot and should seek help
by redgrave1093 May 26, 2021
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