39 definitions by rattus cattus

The Grove is a fake-European upscale shopping mall in the Fairfax District of Los Angeles' west side, near West Hollywood (and not too far from Beverly Hills). It was built to look like a central historic district of an old Mediterranean city like Nice, but it is only five years old. It is a perfect example of "fake history" - building something new that looks like it's old while actual older parts of L.A. are left to decay. It was built next door to the Farmer's Market, a collection of shops that was one of the last landmarks of old Hollywood left. While the Farmer's Market still keeps some of its old vibe with a mixture of tourists and aging locals, the stores in the Grove are the same overpriced "designer chains" that one can find in any mall in America, and the whole place is so fake looking it's sick. The Grove has incredibly worsened traffic on the west side of L.A. particularly all the shortcuts that one could once take to get from the west side to Hollywood are all fucked up now because of the massive traffic of people going to The Grove. I for one wish that it was never built.
"It's been hard to come over to your place ever since The Grove was built, because now there's permit parking on the streets and traffic is really fucked up"
by rattus cattus October 19, 2006
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Bald, fat character actor best known for playing Uncle Fester in The Addams Family and countless 1950s/60s/70s B films and TV shows.
Jackie Coogan was the only true Uncle Fester.
by rattus cattus October 26, 2006
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Caudillo de Espana por la gracia de dios (Dictator of Spain by the Grace of God). Western Europe's last fascist dictator who overthrew a legitimate democratic government which led to a civil war which he won thanks to the help of Hitler and especially Mussolini, resulting in considerable misery, isolation, executions of political prisoners and gays, and the wholesale trashing of Spain's cultural life. It has taken years for Spain to undo the damage Franco caused, even after over 30 years of democracy. And, all reports to the contrary, he's still dead
Francisco Franco's government banned the use of minority languages and heavily censored the media
by rattus cattus July 5, 2006
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Proof that if you give enough people LSD they'll totally love bad country music.
The Grateful Dead were the spiritual godfathers of the jam band scene.
by rattus cattus October 19, 2006
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The only dictator in human history who could be considered to be worse than Hitler. Responsible for the genocide of 40 million people. Also a notorious pedophile to boot. His only redeeming quality was that some of his poetry was actually decent, but that hardly makes up for his innumerable crimes and perversion. For some reason he is still highly regarded in China even though the current Chinese dictatorship believes in practically nothing that Mao believed in.
Mao ZeDONG's actions towards the Tibetans were comparable to Hitler's actions towards the Jews.
by rattus cattus October 26, 2006
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A Jewishlanguage based on German once spoken throughout Central and Eastern Europeby AshkenazicJews. The name comes from a combination of the German words, "Jud" (Jew) and "Deutsch" (German). Sometimes referred to as a dialect of German, and sometimes denigrated as the "Ebonics of the Austro-Hungarian Empire", Yiddish does have its own unique qualities which differentiate it from standard German. Unfortunately, most Yiddish speakers were killed in the Holocaust, and emigration of the Jews of Central Europe and Eastern Europe resulted in the near-disappearance of the language. Today it can only be heard in isolated pockets in certain big cities worldwide. It is probably the most endangered European language right now. However, Yiddish words have heavily influenced American English,especially that of New York, and to a lesser extent have made it into Cockney. The use of Yiddish words like schmuck, putz, shyster, etc. by comedians, in particular, has spread Yiddishisms throughout the Anglosphere. Even though the Yiddish language is in a severe and probably irreversible state of decline, certain Yiddish words will always be with us, kein ahora.
Oy vey, nobody speaks Yiddish anymore. Nu?
by rattus cattus October 26, 2006
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Condi Rice was one of the major architects of the invasion of Iraq before becoming Secretary of State
by rattus cattus September 15, 2006
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