2 definitions by qqq1123

Something you say when someone says or does something so bold that all you can do is respect it, no matter how outrageous it may be
Caleb: Yo I’m tripping on acid rn and this girl wants to fuck me. I’m gonna have her fuck me while I wear a VR headset.
by qqq1123 March 26, 2018
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AKA Hell for a Week, The Cold is an infectious illness that is caused by coughing, sneezing, and not washing hands. It spreads like wildfire amoing people in grades K-12 and gives you a clogged nose, sore throat, and sometimes a headache. It doesn't sound that bad, but holy shit does it suck.
Ben: Hey Brian why do you look so bad?
Brian: I was up all night blowing my nose and coughing because of the stupid ass cold I have.
by qqq1123 August 28, 2013
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