4 definitions by psychedelic shack

something so small you canthardly see it
customer: I would like to pawn this diamond
pawnbroker: OH! You have a canthardly
customer: Yipeeeeee
pawnbroker:canthardly see it
customer: fuck off
by psychedelic shack January 29, 2014
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Comissary Hoe: A bitch who puts her entire welfare check on an inmates books every month.
Gia, do you want to go to the mall with us?
No, I wish I could but Ace needed some soups.
Bitch, your a commissary hoe.
by psychedelic shack June 17, 2016
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Billy Bob: Hey can I get a rock of that good good from you?
dealer: Man, you love that rock!
Billy Bob: Fo sho
dealer: Your a rock star without a guitar
by psychedelic shack January 29, 2014
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