11 definitions by psudeom

Someone who takes a shit in the shower and stomps it down the drain
Caught my roommate shittin' in the shower. Can't believe I live with a waffle stomper.
by psudeom July 25, 2022
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Being obstinate, obtuse, annoying, irritating, and just generally being a fucking turd dipshit.
"Dave keeps pissing on the toilet seat. I don't know why he keeps insisting on being insusctenant."
by psudeom January 23, 2022
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Putting something, such as a rod, up your urethra for sexual gratification.
"Bought a new sounding rod. Feels GREAT to have in!"
by psudeom July 10, 2022
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"My kids got a Bop It for Christmas. Within two months, I had to destroy it."
by psudeom July 10, 2022
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Poop from a cookie and/or poop that is made of digested cookies.
I ate too many cookies. I need to go take a cookie dookie.
by psudeom January 30, 2018
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A stupid, uninformed, ill advised president of the United states, who didnt lawfully win, and is a racist, rapist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, islamophobe, xenophobe, and a close minded guy.
Man, I hate our president, I mean, he's Trump!
by psudeom April 8, 2018
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A cake shaped like a butt. Not to be confused with bukkake.
I ate an excellent butt cake last night.
by psudeom January 30, 2018
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