5 definitions by pseudoman6

A condition of entitlement among the Uber wealthy that they are above the law because of their financial status.
IT was ADULT AFFLUENZA that caused 77-year old Robert Kraft to engage in a prostitution ring with 100's of other wealthy men: as his dear friend, donald trump-- expressed condolences and felt nothing wrong had been done.
by pseudoman6 February 23, 2019
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Wafuw, literally means, "What A Fucked Up World".
Two US Marines defended a boy that was sexually abused. The abuser heard about the boy telling the Marines, then the abuser beat the mother of the boy. The Marines threw the abuser off the base, then for some strange reason, the Marines were disciplined. WAFUW!
by pseudoman6 February 19, 2016
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MFE = Middle Fucking East. The area between Europe and Asia.
Columbus sailed to the West from Portugal because Europeans were tired of tarrifs imposed by the MFE.
by pseudoman6 May 2, 2011
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Creeps. Eerie feeling that one should run and call the police.
The skeevy guest of the neighbors gave me the duggars.
by pseudoman6 August 20, 2015
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"Trouser Trout" is the male equivalent of the female "Camel Toe". The Trouser Trout is visible when the male is aroused or when the pants are very tight. Some would say, the trouser trout is rising for the hatch.
Dick refused to stand when answering the question because he was packing a lunker of a "Trouser Trout". His Trouser Trout was in spawn mode as Dick eyed Jane's and Sally's budding camel toes.
by pseudoman6 January 29, 2016
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