12 definitions by popeye

Colonel Sanders

I was trimming my ball fro and noticed a couple colonel sanders hiding in the rough.
by popeye June 29, 2015
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kristanna loken

New Nemesis to Arnold in T-3, Very Hot and Very Deadly with a nice cybernetic ass
I Like your gun
by popeye July 21, 2003
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To be one who patronises those in Authority or the act of doing so
1. That choc-nose always makes the boss a coffee

2. I need a raise, I'd better choc-nose the boss and get him another cup of coffee
by popeye August 12, 2003
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A place where like minded people who have fallen in love with the music can find one another. Addicts come and go, but true lovers stay on this site for life.
Jaded ex-ravers feeling sorry for the kids having fun.
by popeye May 15, 2004
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bang up

1. Very Good

2. Intraveinously inject
1. You'll do a BANG UP job of destroying the evidence by setting it on fire

2. I love spinace so much i'm gonna get some and BANG it UP
by popeye August 12, 2003
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pack whacked

Dave's Ex-wife wouldn't stop hassleing him for child support so he got the football team together and Pack Whacked the bitch
by popeye August 12, 2003
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Similar to train ride but with only two partners
Me and Shane tagged Kelly and she loved it
by popeye August 12, 2003
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