11 definitions by personqwerty123456789

Buk-Lau made Owangepranks famous for his "Angry Asian Prank Call". Buk-Lau is a asian man voice.

Watch it on YouTube
Owange: Du Hell0 (Buk-Lau)
by personqwerty123456789 October 5, 2011
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To say someones statement is not true.
Person 1: So yeah, I went out tonight it was awesome

Person 2: Noyanot ;)
by personqwerty123456789 July 4, 2012
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It's when your internet connection is so slow that when trying to watch a video it is buffering.
Teacher: Kids lets watch the news update online!
Kids: Yay!
(Teacher loads page)
Kid 1: Aww it's buffering!
Kid 2: Everyday I'm Buffering! (Starts dancing)
by personqwerty123456789 March 6, 2012
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To troll someone in a very annoying way then u say noyanot
Person 1: Dude, im going out tonight!

Persion 2: Are you?

Person 1: Yes I am!

Person 2: Noyanot
by personqwerty123456789 July 4, 2012
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An early morning talk radio show that has interviews with people on the topic discussed that night including: paranormal and pseudoscientific subjects such as the occult, remote viewing, hauntings, shadow people, the Undead, psychic reading, metaphysics, conspiracy theories, UFOs, Area 51, crop circles, cryptozoology, Big foot, the Hollow Earth hypothesis, and science fiction literature, among others. September 11, 2001 attacks and current U.S. counter-terrorism strategy have also become frequent themes.

It is hosted by George Noory on weekdays and John B. Wells on Saturdays on certain days it is Ian Punnett and George Knapp.

Listen to it from 1AM-5AM on everyday.
Guy 1: "Did you listen to Coast to Coast AM?"

Guy 2: I did not unfortunately, because I fell asleep too early."
by personqwerty123456789 February 19, 2012
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A person who banks only by ATM.
Guy 1: Did u go into the bank the other day?
Guy 2: No I bank by ATM
by personqwerty123456789 January 28, 2012
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