6 definitions by peepeepoopoomeeeeee

to clap with your stomach flaps
omg that movie was so good at the end of the film everyone in the cinema flapped
by peepeepoopoomeeeeee March 22, 2021
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someone that is that posh they say crap and cuppa
your such a cruppa i bet you shop at m and s
by peepeepoopoomeeeeee March 22, 2021
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ugh my aunt is making me look after her fleep
by peepeepoopoomeeeeee March 22, 2021
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something you say when it doesn’t matter like tomaeto tomato
croopdeepoop they’re literally the same thing
by peepeepoopoomeeeeee March 22, 2021
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someone that farts out their ears or nose
your a right cleep ya smelly poo
by peepeepoopoomeeeeee March 22, 2021
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