97 definitions by p@$$ing thr.ugh

a moment in your life, something said, something done, or something you feel responsible for that you'd do anything to take back.
Friend 1: You seem down?
Friend 2: Remember that time in the school cafeteria when the two mice jumped out of my lunch bag, and I screamed and I started a stampede of mass hysteria, and they evacuated the school, and the fire department came, and the foreign kid who speaks no english started crying, and fainted, and got a concussion and had to be hospitalized?
Friend 1: Blip?
Friend 2: Let's never speak of it again.
by p@$$ing thr.ugh January 24, 2010
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A person who has the compulsion to purge their darkest secrets or rat themselves out with little or no prompting.
Person 1: Hey, you seem nice, will you just watch over my little girl for 5 minutes while I try to change this tire.
Purgist: I'd love to, but I have to tell you, I have ADD and I'm easily distracted, I'm a boarder-line alcoholic, I lack the ability to make even the smallest decision, and I have a hard time controlling my bodiliy functions.
Person 1: On second thought, I'll just leave her in the back seat.

Roomate: Hey, Mindy, just remember our rent's due next week.
Purgist: Okay, here's my share of it. By the way, I was pissed off that you finished all the cookies, so I peed in your shoes, it wasn't the cat, and I feel much better now.
by p@$$ing thr.ugh January 16, 2010
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It's what you call it when, you're family finds you, takes you home from the cult, and deprograms you, then the cult finds you again, takes you back from your family, and has to go through the process of brainwashing you all over again.
Father Sirius: Good news, children, we have located Sally, and she still would love to be with us all when the great ship comes to take us to the Mecca of the stars, unfortunately her family don't believe in our destiny, so I need you to go to her house and bring her back to us.

Sister R5G331D: First reprograming Sally, then saltine, crackers and space milk. It's the greatest day ever!
by p@$$ing thr.ugh January 21, 2010
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The job application or resume that isn't chock loaded with outrageous lies and overglorified bullshit.
hands interviewer *the real resume*
Interviewer: It says here that you were 'the Big Chief' at 'Village Island', 'CEO' at 'Baumeister Confections' and 'Captain Charon' on the 'Triton Destroyer'?
Interviewee: That is correct.
Interviewer: Those are computer games, no?
Interviewee: That is correct.
Interviewer: Please leave.
by p@$$ing thr.ugh February 24, 2010
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the compulsion to stockpile cuban cigars en masse, also the expression used to describe the experience of smoking a cuban cigar.
*smoking a cuban* Person 1: zweedt
*smoking inferior tobbaco* Person 2: Where'd you get that cigar, mine tastes like licking a used tire incinerator.
*clearly gloating* Person 1: I suffer from zweedt.
by p@$$ing thr.ugh January 13, 2010
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Translated from the serbian: jedi govna i umzi.
A common phrase when you want to tell someone not to be an idiot, not to speak crap, that you're annoyed, by them, or don't believe them.
Tim: I bankrolled a cool mil onto my offshore swiss bank account but I lost it all to crash in February.
Me: Eat shit and die!
by p@$$ing thr.ugh December 8, 2010
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It's the built internal mechanism that reins in your ability to lie compulsively about your age, sex, hair colour, and/or location on the internet just becuase you can, some people have it, some people don't.
SkitZoe: I was playing elfquest online and I may have told silverkiss123 that I'm a fourteen-year-old emo abuse victim at which point he became very adamant about his love for me and determination to fly in from Belgium and rescue me. Do you think I can pull that off?
Internet Sociopath Lie Detector: That's a no, and now report immediately to church.
by p@$$ing thr.ugh February 24, 2010
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