41 definitions by one eyed milkman

(noun) the act of putting your erecttodger 'twixt a girl's jugs
dat ho gave me a titwank
by one eyed milkman May 31, 2004
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Something you say to someone quickly causing them to say "what?" and then you go "haha you said what so you're a sphincter!"
Teh example is covered above darling
by one eyed milkman July 10, 2004
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v. to put your hoo-hoo dilly in woman's cha cha
WHOA! Would I throw the pig on that!
by one eyed milkman April 20, 2004
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web acronym for "pissing myself here" (as opposed to LMAO}
guy 1: <says something funney>
guy 2: pmh!
by one eyed milkman April 21, 2004
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