14 definitions by not_michael

A object (or person in the case of the movie) which appears normal on the outside but is completely artificial on the inside.
In the case of the movie A Clockwork Orange, Alex appeared to be normal after his treatment but since he is incapable of chosing evil and is therefore forced to chose only good, he's humanity is in question.
by not_michael October 11, 2004
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The opposite of badong, which is a new stronger word for killing.
Killing is bad and wrong. There should be a new stroinger word for killing, like badwrong or badong. Yes, killing is badong. I shall stand for the opposite of badong.... gnodab
by not_michael October 11, 2004
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Character in the play "Dark of the Moon"
"Hey Conjaman" Witchgirls
by not_michael October 13, 2004
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Verbing: v
1. Taking a word that is not a verb and turning it into a verb by adding -ing to the end.

Comes from the latin word "verb" meaning "an action" and the root "-ing" meaning "making the word infront of it a verb."
1) I decided that the word verb needed to under go a verbing to create the word verbing so I could use it to describe the process that the word verb just under went.
2) I felt sorry for the word "strong" since it was but a mere adjective so I decided to make it a verb but making it undergo the process of verbing thus making it the verb "stronging."
by not_michael October 11, 2004
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A time when it is so cold outside that even Jesus Christ would complain about the cold.
See also: Jesus Hot, Jesus Cold, Jesus Lot, Jesus Sweet, Jesus Late, and Jesus Early
It was so Jesus Cold outside that i had to put on twenty layers of clothing and set the house on fire to keep warm.
by not_michael October 11, 2004
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A time when it is so hot outside that even Jesus Christ would complain about the heat.
See also: Jesus Hot, Jesus Cold, Jesus Lot, Jesus Sweet, Jesus Late, and Jesus Early
It was so Jesus Hot outside that the entire world was on fire and the only (relativly) cool place was inside the oven with it set to 500 degrees CELCIUS!!!!!
by not_michael October 11, 2004
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from the movie Kungpow: Enter the Fist
a new, stronger word to describe killing since killing is bad and wrong
Killing is bad and wrong, there should be a new, stronger word to describe killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong.
by not_michael October 11, 2004
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