7 definitions by not a gay person (DylanH)

when autism and apple collide.... mostly the case with blonde girls...
person 1: dude.. he has an apple phone
person 2: and autism
person 3: such an appletism man!
by not a gay person (DylanH) June 14, 2018
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worse company to have ever excisted. all isheep swallow a lot of pumpkin pie. apple is such a bad company they pay their workers with dildo's!
by not a gay person (DylanH) June 14, 2018
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when someone have just as much brain cells as chromosomes!
a selfie is dumb
by not a gay person (DylanH) June 14, 2018
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synonim for brick
that house is build ofdamys
by not a gay person (DylanH) June 14, 2018
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when you give a girl a dutch oven and she likes it... then asks you to do it again. then you give her a dutch dildo which she uses till it melts.
i gave my gf a dutch blonde... she's so stupid!
by not a gay person (DylanH) June 14, 2018
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he likes apple and he swallows so hard... only blonde dutch girls like him
he's such a juul
by not a gay person (DylanH) June 14, 2018
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