6 definitions by navi

lessthanthree, or <3, is a sideways heart and is commonly used in friendship~
"I <3 you~"
by navi April 2, 2003
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to hit someone with a BK whopper with weed or ecstacy in it;(mollywhopper) a BK 'whopper' containing weed or ecstacy
*a girl is on stage and gets hit by a mollywhopper*
boy1: DAMN he mollywhoped the shit otta her!!!
boy2: Hell yeah!
by navi March 3, 2014
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Loud screeching sound signifying war,battleor a fight
Date Of Origin:unknown
"Lets go kick his ass"
by navi December 4, 2004
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Signifing to not care about some thing that has been described.
But when said with entushiasm expresses great interest.
"Yo I got a new game yesterday"
"nice nice"
"Yo I kicked this guys ass yesterday"
by navi December 4, 2004
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What Puchiko ends all her sentances in :D
by navi April 2, 2003
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What Dejiko ends all her sentances in! :D
by navi April 2, 2003
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