2 definitions by naughtynick81

A woman who has taken feminism too far and turned into an extremist.

These types live in a delusion and believe that every male is somehow privileged over every female in societies like Australia and America in year 2010. When you question this ridiculous theory, it results to ridiculous answers.

Not only that, but it can be defined as a feminist who will blame men for anything that is wrong in the world or with her self. Basically, if you are a male, anything that is wrong in the presence of a feminazi will be your fault.

These types also may not believe in true equality. They secretly or shamelessly want female privilege, dominance, matriarchy, or supremacy.

In their perspective, anything “masculine” is poison.
Damn that biatch is a feminazi, she blames men for everything
by naughtynick81 April 7, 2010
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The irrational fear of men.

I think that's a better and proper way of seeing the word.
Sara Says: Just because that dude is in a playground without a woman/mother, that must mean he's under the suspicion of being a kiddie finder! Greg says: I think that's a case of androphobia rather than reality unless proven otherwise.
by naughtynick81 September 13, 2017
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