34 definitions by nasty nate

the police in general or a police officer, taken from the 60's police drama "Hawaii 5-0"
Ah, shit! Slow down! A five-oh set up a speed trap up ahead!
by nasty nate August 22, 2003
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someone hopped up on amphetamines
"What's wrong with that guy? His eyes ar popping out of his skull and he's shaking!"

"He's a speed freak!"
by nasty nate August 22, 2003
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A slutty, uneducated, fat, smelly three-toothed woman who lives in a trailer park and fucks every man who so much as pays attention to her. Trailer park skanks have at least 5 kids by 5 different men and no jobs. They are the epitome of white trash and collect welfare checks.
I wouldn't fuck that trailer park skank with a stolen schlong! She is liable to give me an STD!
by nasty nate June 20, 2003
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slaughtering and setting fire to a physically immature animal (of the same sex as you) before fucking its corpse
This muthafucker ain't one of us! I saw him commit pyropedohomonecrobestiality on a goat!
by nasty nate June 5, 2003
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A man who dresses like a woman; usually one who can actually be mistaken as a woman. He-she's are usually one step away from gettin sex change operations.
BOB: Damn! That girl is hot!
TONY: That ain't a girl. That's a he-she!
by nasty nate June 23, 2003
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This is self-descriptive, isn't it? If a man is so fat that he needs a bra, he got man titties! If a man got titties, it's time to lay off the ice cream and start doing push-ups!
Put your damn shirt on, Bob! I don't wanna look at those nasty man titties!
by nasty nate June 18, 2003
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a white skank who joins a sorority in college and likes to get drunk and fuck everyone regardless of gender or hygiene
The sorostitute I fucked a month ago gave me a raging case of VD!
by nasty nate October 2, 2003
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