5 definitions by myob
by myob May 19, 2001
the cessy is a sea monster that has been around for thousands of years. its weapon of choice is the butcher knife. it can be found in swamps, green huts, and bathrooms. it's distinctive from other monsters with it's bare feet and love for japan lavender gardens. the cessy has been the subject of many great art portfolios. if u ever encounter a cessy, do not be alarmed. it is quite harmless, unless u hear those fateful words: "THIS SONG REMINDS ME OF YOU", in which case, make horrible art as fast as you can and keep the threat managed with internet espionage.
by myob December 15, 2004
we were ruttin' all night long
by myob May 22, 2001
usually used to decribe ppl who r perfectionist i.e when u r picky about every little detail
note: a finicky person usually hits whatever they aim at
note: a finicky person usually hits whatever they aim at
by myob November 17, 2004
Sandra: "What would u like to do tonight, bob?"
Bob: How's about some gerbilization?"
Sandra: "O.k."
Bob: How's about some gerbilization?"
Sandra: "O.k."
by myob December 16, 2004