12 definitions by mr electric is god

When our lord and savoury crumpet Pazuzu decides to try and turn you into a Boat Mormon, Jesus hides among you like russian spies, or the quiet kid and math teacher decide to start subtracting, just force them in a debate club and convince them to NOT do those things by saying "we do not negotiate with terrorists".
Hey, Pazuzu, Jesus, Maths Teacher, Quiet Kid, Boat Mormon, we do not negotiate with terrorists!!!!!!!!!
by mr electric is god February 24, 2022
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something that sounds like a really, really good idea on paper, but so was urban dictionary and we all know what happened to that.
Bob: We should make an urban thesaurus.
Jeff: That's a a really, really good idea on paper, but so was urban dictionary and we all know what happened to that.
Bob: True, true.
by mr electric is god February 28, 2022
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All it takes for the urban dictionary to become the dark web is for it to become complete anonymous, then all hell will break loose.
by mr electric is god February 24, 2022
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