18 definitions by molecule802.11

A derogatory term, used to describe evangelical Christain fundamentalists; usually those who express their faith through modern music or other media.
Some bloody happy clappy thinks he can wake me up before 2 in the afternoon on a Saturday to talk me about God!? I'll show him!
by molecule802.11 April 5, 2009
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The site for emos by emos.
A digital world in which tossers come together and engage in an illusion of friendship.
Any information you put on MySpace can and will be used by hackers for the purpose of digital footprinting in order to learn as much about you as possible so that they can launch a spear-phishing attack against you.
They say MySpace can do terrible things to a mind; it can wipe away your thoughts and destroy your very identity.
by molecule802.11 April 6, 2009
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The very definition of too awesome for words; what you get when you combine Star Wars with Tokyo.
Also the Republic capital.
Coruscant is just too awesome for an example
by molecule802.11 April 6, 2009
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